Posts Tagged ‘satisfaction’

Results of IT services survey

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Thank you to all of you who participated in our IT services survey in late October. More than one third of you completed the questionnaire and the feedback has been extremely positive. The Department Head and ISG have evaluated the results and would like to say thanks to everybody involved.
We have received many helpful comments that deserve an answer. Since the survey was anonymous, we have no way of getting back to each responder individually, so we compiled the questions, answers and comments on a nifty website that we invite you to visit:

You can browse the results, read the comments and click on the little speech bubbles to read our answers. There are a couple of topics that are sufficiently common and generic that we would like to address them here:

  • WiFi: yes we know it's not great, but we cannot immediately fix it as it is a service of Informatikdienste. We are working together with our colleagues of ID to resolve the problems and improve WiFi service on the campus.
  • many of the wishes and problems raised in your comments actually have already been solved by us. Also,
  • there seems to be a positive correlation between how often people contact us and their satisfaction with our services.


Please talk to us! We can only help you if you tell us about your problem, and we hate unsolved problems. So we're going to try hard to fix them.

Thanks for you attention and we're looking forward to serving you in the future.

Give us your feedback

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Time for our biennial customer satisfaction poll!

We are service providers, and you are our customers. In order to be able to offer the best IT service possible, it is important for us to know what your needs and requirements are.

We therefore invite you to take this opportunity to tell us what we're good at, but especially what we still have to improve to best meet your IT needs. You can use the paper ballots outside of HPT D 19, write an e-mail to, or use the form below to submit your feedback, and you can participate either anonymously or provide your name if you want us to get back to you.

We explicitly invite our D-PHYS students to tell us your opinion! Do we offer what you need in your daily student life? Please let us know.

We also plan to organize a visitation of our HIT server room. So if you'd like to see where your files and e-mails spend their days, please let us know too.

Thanks in advance for sharing your ISG experience with us. We'll pay heed to what you say!