Mail server maintenance on Tue, March 27

Update 07:25 The migration is complete and our mail server is back online. Please let us know if you notice anything peculiar. This concludes our multi-step migration to the new mail server hardware


In order to finalize the upgrade of the D-PHYS mail server, we schedule a maintenance downtime on

Tuesday, March 27, between 06:30 and 08:00 in the morning

During that time it will not be possible to send or receive emails. In particular, incoming external emails will not be lost, but held on the sender’s side and will be delivered after the migration. Outgoing mail will be kept in your mail client until the connection is restored.

We will update this posting once the mail server is back online.

New location for mail filtering rules, forwarding and vacation auto-replies

After the migration, all mail-related settings will be consolidated into the Roundcube Webmail interface:

  • spam filtering rules (whitelist, blacklist)
  • forwarding of your emails to a different account
  • setting a vacation or out-of-office auto-reply message
  • defining rules to automatically file incoming mails into specific folders

This will make configuring your email settings easier and also give you more options than before (for example, the out-of-office auto-reply can now be configured to automatically terminate at the end of your absence).

Please refer to our readme for details on how to customize these settings in the future. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

The current settings of all active users have been converted and imported.

In technical terms we are migrating from procmail to sieve. In particular the hidden text file ~/.procmailrc in the user's home folder will be ignored after the migration.

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