Major server room remodeling

Update Thursday 07:15 - all systems back to normal. whew.

Update Wednesday 11:00 - first rack back to normal. The picture shows how it looked during the remodeling.racks

Update Wednesday 07:00 - the most difficult part is over and the first rack is being retrofitted as we speak

All of D-PHYS's important servers (and services: mail, homes, SAN, web) reside in two water-cooled racks in HIT D 13. On Wednesday, August 20 those racks will have to be retrofitted by our colleagues of Informatikdienste since certain spare parts are no longer available. We have an elaborate plan how to externally power the servers while the racks are offline that schedules a 5-minute downtime that most of you won't even notice. However, there is a small chance that this external power supply does not work as expected which would lead to a longer interruption. Unfortunately we have no influence on the date, time and procedure of this modification and can only try our best to minimize potential consequences. So if something should go wrong next Wednesday, please don't panic, we'll be hard at work to fix it ASAP.
Thank you for your cooperation.

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